Access4you hírek

Access4you x Partners – Interview with Lia Stoll

Image featuring the Access4you & Partners: Interview with Lia Stoll' announcement. The left side shows a wooden table with a stack of papers, the top paper having a drawing of a light bulb. The right side has a blue background with the Access4you logo, the text 'Interview with Lia Stoll' in a black box, and various accessibility icons in the top right corner.

Access4you’s partner network comprises various highly esteemed accredited partners, including both sales and auditing professionals. Together, they are instrumental in advancing Access4you’s mission to create a more disability-inclusive and socially sustainable world. By collaborating with these dedicated partners, Access4you can achieve its goals more effectively. Recently, we had the opportunity to speak with one of our latest partners, Lia Stoll, to learn more about her story and what inspired her to join Access4you’s journey.

A4U: Why did you decide to join us as a partner?

Lia: It was Balázs’s story about his trip to Lisbon that moved me. Like Balázs, my clients and I experienced the lack of a common language for accessibility almost every time we trained a route. 

This caused a lot of frustration and disappointment. 

Only after coming in contact with businesses to try and raise awareness did I realise that the scope of work needed was a lot.

And that’s exactly where Access4you comes in. It’s the perfect all-in-one solution for businesses wanting to learn more about their building’s accessibility, reach their ESG goals and become a sunny destination for disabled people.

What could be better than that? 

Oh, I know. 

The heartwarming people who make up this glorious team. I love their empathy, their openness, and their willingness to learn about accessibility as it progresses. That’s my dream team!

A4U: How does your own work relate to our mission?

Lia: In 2019, I stepped down as educational management consultant at our guide dog school and decided to take my lived experience on accessibility and my passion for writing and start a new adventure which fits just right with Access4you. 

I founded Disability Writer and started creating clear, crisp and educational content empowering disability inclusion and accessibility.

A4U: What are the current trends in disability inclusion in Switzerland?

Lia: Disability inclusion isn’t new to Switzerland. The country has a rich history of training assistance dogs and is home to one of the oldest guide dog schools in the world. 

Still, there are about 1.8 million disabled people in Switzerland. And 4 out of 5 feel excluded from society. About 4% have been victims of discrimination, but I suspect that percentage is much higher. 

This is mostly visible in the workplace, mobility and politics. 

That’s quite the reality check.

That’s why beaming organisations like Pro Infirmis and Verein für eine Inklusive Schweiz are stepping up. We want all barriers removed but most importantly we want a change in mindset, ‘Disability is Human.’

Thank you, Lia, for sharing your thoughts!

For those interested in becoming Access4you accredited partners and contributing to a more inclusive and sustainable world, follow this link and read on. Show your commitment to social values to the world, and join us today!

További híreink

Image featuring the Access4you & Partners: Interview with Lia Stoll' announcement. The left side shows a wooden table with a stack of papers, the top paper having a drawing of a light bulb. The right side has a blue background with the Access4you logo, the text 'Interview with Lia Stoll' in a black box, and various accessibility icons in the top right corner.

Access4you x Partners – Interview with Lia Stoll

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