Orsolya Szalay: Access4you’s certifications make it clear where the bank is ready in terms of EAA alignment.

Accessibility and disability inclusion are gaining increasing emphasis and attention in the business world, especially in Europe. The European Accessibility Act DIRECTIVE (EU) 2019/882, or EAA, stands out among these, and it will affect many service providers, including the banking sector. Therefore, we asked one of our clients, Orsolya Szalay – Social Banking and Diversity Officer at Erste Bank Hungary – about the company’s views these topics.

How does Erste Bank Hungary integrate social sustainability into its business strategies? What role does social banking play in achieving those goals?

Based on the firm belief that everyone must be treated with respect, 200 years ago Erste was created to offer access to welfare and well-being for everyone – regardless of status, nationality, religion, sex, age, etc. Promoting and providing welfare and well-being for all has been and will always be our utmost goal. For this reason, in this complicated world, Erste Hungary would like to be more than just a financial service provider – in reality, it offers solutions for real-life situations. As one key principle of our vision suggests: Apart from offering financial and investment services, we showcase our commitment to our clients and to Hungary through social responsibility. We have the belief that in the future, people will not simply look at banks as financial institutions, but as institutions that prioritise the welfare of the regional population, of for-profit and non-profit organizations.

The analysis of socio-environmental issues provided the basis for Erste Group’s long-term ESG strategy, objectives and framework. Erste Group, through its Social Banking business, continues to play a leading role in providing financial services to NGOs, start-ups and individuals in difficult circumstances. Social Banking initiatives focus on financially excluded or vulnerable individuals (those at risk of poverty or social exclusion), start-ups and micro-entrepreneurs, and social organisations (non-profit sector, NGOs and social enterprises) by providing them with fair access to financial products and by offering reliable financial advice, business training and mentoring.

Why is accessibility important for Erste Bank Hungary? How does it align with your initiatives to offer services for a diverse customer base?

The true power of diversity will unfold when Erste becomes an inclusive place for all, regardless of individual differences, whether it is a bank branch, a digital platform or a workplace.

To follow this course, it is important to recognise the areas where we need to improve and where we need to keep making changes in the current situation. Accessibility is one of these areas, and we are aiming to make it more and more complete for both our customers and our colleagues. We are constantly working on physical and digital accessibility, simplifying complex banking language with our ‘Világos beszéd’ software, making our processes and communication easy to understand.

What made you decide to work with Access4you? How does the Access4you certificate influence your transparency and customer loyalty?

Access4you offers us a unique service to support our efforts in physical accessibility. They use objective measurement criteria to assess the accessibility of our branches, provide us with feedback on possible improvements, and help us with our thinking and planning through ongoing consultation. With these branch certificates, we show our customers that accessibility at Erste is not only in principle but also in practice.

In the context of ESG principles, how does having an Access4you certificate support your goals in reporting? What is the long-term impact of this in terms of social responsibility and brand image?

Social responsibility falls under the „S” part of ESG obligations and, as such, is part of a complex system. The existence of these certificates is an objective recognition by a team of third-party experts and proof of the work we do to make everyday banking accessible and free from barriers. Market players – and not only banks – can benefit from being part of the „family” of certified providers, as the customers concerned can easily find on the Access4you website where they can go to live their everyday life without barriers, be it sports, banking or wellness.

With the European Accessibility Act (EAA) coming into effect, how is Erste Bank Hungary preparing to meet these new regulatory standards? How does the Access4you certification support your efforts in ensuring alignment and staying ahead of these requirements?

Work on the bank as a whole has been in progress practically since the law entered into force in Hungary. Based on the text of the directive, we have identified the areas and tasks that are being carried out in a scheduled manner. Our external auditors, including A4U, are very useful advisors in this respect, as they provide us with expert support and help us answer any questions we may have. As the law also affects branch and ATM network requirements at many points, A4U’s certifications make it clear where the bank is ready in terms of alignment.

What are Erste Bank Hungary’s future plans regarding social sustainability and accessibility?

Social Banking will continue and develop its programmes around the most pressing social issues, as we are also responsible for supporting the retail and civil sectors as financial mentors. We will not rest on our laurels when it comes to accessibility following the EAA’s entry into force, since we are also continuously improving our physical and virtual interfaces as part of our operations. 

Is there anything else you would like to add to the topics discussed above?

Erste Social Banking is an integral part of Erste Bank’s mission. We strive to have a positive impact on the community, extending beyond traditional social work and donations.

One of our primary focuses is to ensure that people with disabilities have equal access to our services. For nearly 5 years, we have been continuously collaborating with Access4you to make as many of our branches accessible as possible and to provide detailed and reliable accessibility information about them. This effort is important not only because it is the right thing to do but also because it helps us fulfil alignment with legal requirements and social sustainability goals.

We are grateful for this interview and are extremely proud to have Erste Bank Hungary as member of our clientele. 
The European Accessibility Act is indeed a hot topic on the European market. Check out our article for more details!