Access4you hírek

Interview with Timothy Ghilain, Interim Executive Officer of EASPD

Access4you has recently become member of EASPD (European Association of Service providers for Persons with Disabilities). We are honored to have had the privilege of conducting an interview with Timothy Ghilain, Interim Executive Officer of EASPD to discuss accessibility in Europe, EASPD’s invaluable work and their perspective on our organization’s contributions.

What is the most important disability issue in Europe today?
From the perspective of disability support service providers, the continued prevalence of medical and social models of disability, the slow transition towards deinstitutionalisation and the low use of technology by service providers are key issues for the disability service sector in Europe today.
Human rights-based support services aim to empower persons with disabilities, giving them a voice and control over their own lives, enabling them to fully enjoy their rights and be included in society. The United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities drives this paradigm shift, placing Human Rights at the centre of service delivery. However, the shift from medical or social models of disability remains in many societies and service systems are still working to fully implement a rights-based approach.

Deinstitutionalisation is another critical challenge. Many individuals with disabilities continue to reside in large institutions, which often lack individualised support and restrict personal freedoms. Transitioning towards community-based services requires adequate resources, including accessible housing, support networks, and comprehensive community services to meet the diverse needs of individuals with disabilities.

Finally, the low uptake of technology in social services is also an issue for the sector. Technology has the potential to enhance accessibility, communication, and independence for people with disabilities. However, barriers such as limited funding, lack of training, and insufficient digital infrastructure hinder the effective integration of technology into disability services. Addressing these challenges is essential to harness the benefits of assistive technologies, accessible online platforms, and digital communication tools.

To overcome these challenges, collaboration among governments, persons with disabilities organisations, support service providers, technology developers, businesses and the general public is crucial.

How do you perceive the level of awareness and understanding of accessibility among the public and businesses?
Unfortunately, the level of awareness and understanding of accessibility among general audiences, including businesses, remains a challenge. National and EU Legislation, such as the European Accessibility Act is crucial to set the minimum standard for the accessibility of both physical and digital goods, services and environments and hold businesses more accountable. The work of Access4you is important to enable persons with disabilities to lead a more independent life as well as educate businesses on the accessibility features that they can implement.

We have also seen this month the launch of the European Commission’s AccessibleEU project, of which EASPD is a partner. The project will create a common European one-stop-shop for accessibility, working on the areas of the built environment, transport, information, communication technologies and policies to ensure the participation of persons with disabilities in all areas of life on an equal basis with others. I hope that with the support of the EU via such initiatives and the continued work of organisations including Access4you, we can increase understanding of accessibility amongst the public and businesses, making it a key consideration in the creation when building a physical, or online environment, good or service.

It seems like more and more people are recognising the importance of inclusion. What is your opinion on this trend?
It is a positive and welcomed trend! Increased awareness of the importance of inclusion is a crucial first step in building more inclusive societies. While the trend towards inclusion is positive, it’s important to acknowledge that challenges and barriers still exist. Achieving true inclusion requires ongoing efforts to address systemic discrimination, promote accessibility, and ensure equal opportunities in all areas of life. EASPD and our members will continue to work across Europe to raise awareness of the importance of inclusion.

How do you view the activities of Access4you, and how can we connect with the activities of EASPD and the member organizations?
Accessibility is a foundational stone in the creation of more inclusive societies and enabling persons with disabilities to live more independently. As a result, the work of Access4you is essential. As disability service providers, part of our role is to work with external stakeholders to bridge their gap in understanding, knowledge and resources. By working together, we can maximise our reach. Our members can benefit from the Access4you database of accessible locations and the services you offer to businesses and the general public.
EASPD and our members, including Access4you, are already convinced of the importance of more accessible and inclusive societies. By working together, we can exchange knowledge, experiences, and best practice to promote innovation within our sector. This collaboration can enhance our collective impact and move towards our common goals of promoting accessibility, inclusion, and rights for people with disabilities more quickly.

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